The Effect of Making a Derived Food Choice for a Relevant Other on the Pre-Fulfillment of One’s own Health Goal


  • Susann Kathrin Heinz Maastricht University



The aim of this study is to clarify the question of how making a derived food choice for ones’ child influences a mothers own consumption behavior of sweet snacks. The focus of this study is set upon the difference of the consumption behavior of mothers as a consequence of their selection amongst a healthy and unhealthy food alternative aimed for their child. Finding a result in line with the expectations, the study reveals that mothers who perform a derived choice of a healthy food item for their children, feel free to eat more of unhealthy products as a consequence of their family benefitting behavior. Interestingly, the mothers’ consumption behavior seems to be strongly and negatively moderated by their perceived happiness in the relationship with the father and the compatibility of both partners’ educational techniques.


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